Haven Book Three

Chapter 01

It is 3:00 in the morning of Wednesday May 9. Everyone is sound asleep until:

'Doctor? Doctor! Wake up!'

Leo rolled over and pulled his pillow over his head. "Mummmerphfff."

'Doctor Leonard Turnman report to ER, STAT!!'

Leo was halfway to the bedroom door before several things registered; he was naked: then with relief, he was NOT in the hospital; and lastly the computer on the desk was laughing at him. "That isn't funny, 'Philip'!"

Still chuckling the AI replied, 'We can discuss the nature of humor later. There really is an emergency. Sheriff Henry has directed the Life Flight helicopter to land here and pick you up on the way to the hospital. I have turned on the landing lights. It should be landing in about six and a half minutes.'

Leo turned to grab his clothes to find Tom there ready to help him dress. Tom mumbled, "We have landing lights?"


A soft, 'Harumph' was heard.

In four minutes, Leo was headed to his clinic to grab his emergency bag then he and Tom headed out the kitchen door. The sound of a helicopter approaching was the only sound in the night. They ran towards the lights that outlined the landing site. Tom gave Leo a squeeze for luck and the chopper was back in the air and headed off towards the Regional Hospital. Walking back, he wondered what else he had that no one had mentioned. Landing lights, who would have thought...

Inside the helicopter, Leo put on the headset and then looked at the still, small form strapped onto the gurney. The Paramedic called out vital signs. Not good. Leo began his assessment, External appearances were of a child that had road burn over about 30% of the body left leg was a real mess but the rest was fairly minor. That, however, was the least of the kid's problems. The appearance of the kid brought to mind pictures of Holocaust Survivors, malnourishment didn't begin to cover it. Then there were ligature marks around the wrists ankles and neck. All of that paled in importance compared to the multiple bullet entry wounds. Thank God they were small caliber, probably 22, two to the head, three to the chest and one to the gut.

"Doc, we have four exit wounds, one on the right side of the head, one in the left shoulder, one in the back and one about the right kidney." The EMT said as he replaced the empty fluids.

* * * Back to the scene of the rescue * * *

Sheriff Henry, four of his deputies, two state policeman and the two truck drivers that called in, watched as the helicopter lights were lost over the horizon. Sheriff Henry said, "The kid couldn't be in better hands. Doc Turnman is the best pediatrician I've ever known and we have some amazing staff at our regional hospital. You guys did a great job. I know you have a load to deliver but I do need to get a statement."

"Hey Ron, it's time for a chow stop anyway." The driver, Dave said.

Sheriff Eric grinned, "There's an all night truck stop at the next exit. We can talk and eat there, my treat."

Dave grinned, "You're on. I hope you got a pocket full of money, we can eat."

Ron punched his partner, "Don't scare him off, we're talking free food."

Eric laughed, "Not a problem, the county is paying."

They got in their vehicles and left the scene cleanup to the others. When seated in the Truck Stop diner the men told their story. Dave began, "This pick-m-up was weaving around in front of us and I woke Ron up when he slowed way down. We were getting ready to try and call the bears, ah sorry, to get him off the road, when his passenger door opened and he threw something out. I had to hit the breaks or run over it. Damn near jack-knifed."

Ron picked up, "I swear it looked like a big doll. When we stopped we jumped out and it wasn't a doll, it was a kid. We both have EMT training and I started working on the kid, I've seem some bad stuff but this was off the scale. Dave called you on his cell, then gave me a hand. I don't think I could have saved him by myself."

"Jeez, It's a good thing you're a good driver. Can you tell me anything about the truck?"

Dave thought , "Well it was a red F-150, local tags, started with B. No tailgate, just one of those net things. Probably '90 or '91."

Ron added, "Last two numbers on the tag were 69. Never mind why I remember that. While Dave was trying to stop, the truck hit the gas and was gone. He probably thinks we finished what he started. Why does this stuff happen to innocent kids."

Eric shook his head, "I read in a story once; 'Sometimes bad stuff has to happen so good stuff can'©. I sure hope this is one of those times. I sure want to thank you two. I'll let you know what is happening. I have your emails and cell numbers so as soon as we know more I'll let you know."

"Thanks Sheriff. If you need us to testify just give us a heads up and we'll tell dispatch to schedule us nearby or give us time off. I want that creep to have some justice. No kid deserves to be treated like that." Ron said as they finished up and were ready for the road again.

* * * Several hours later at Haven Manor * * *

At breakfast, Neal noticed Tom was alone. "Dad, where's Daddy Doc?"

Tom Smiled, "He had an emergency call. When 'Philip' finally woke him up he rushed across the bedroom then realized he was strip stark naked. The look on his face, jeez..." Tom dissolved into a fit of laughter.

David asked innocently, "Why was he naked?"

This of course completely demolished what was left of Tom's decorum and a good number of the others giggled too. Todd rescued them by whispering something to David, whose eyes got bigger and bigger. "Wow, kewl!" he then ran over and gave Tom a big hug. By the time everyone recovered and then finished breakfast it was time for school to start, the other kids were arriving including the Bus from The Phoenix House. So starts another day.

* * * Later at Regional Hospital * * *

At 11:00 Dr Turnman and Dr. Hastings left the O.R., "That is sure one lucky little boy. He has lost a kidney a few feet of intestine and maybe some of the use of his left arm but he is alive and will recover."

"Thanks for coming in to assist this morning, Janet. I've never been so scared by a patient before. That he is alive is a miracle." Leo removed his surgical gown and got his cell phone out of his locker.

"No problem, Leo. Call home and let them know everything went well. I'm late for rounds, I'll see you tomorrow." Janet Hastings donned her white coat and went to start her morning rounds.

"Hi, 'Philip'."

"Yes, the patient is doing well all things considered. He's still listed as critical but I think he will pull through."

"Thank you. Now may I pleeeeeaaaaaasssseee talk to Tom?"

"Hi there. Poor little guy. He shouldn't be alive at all. He would be a poster child for abuse. I'm going to need to get Linda in on this one, and probably her brother." Leo sighed. "I've got to be sure he gets the proper care when he is released from the hospital."

"Home? ... Us? ... Well sure. ... You wouldn't mind? ... I'd care for him. ... Yeah, yeah My boy."

"That's why I love you so. Okay you make the calls. I have a boy to look after."

At one o'clock Fred and Linda both showed up at the hospital. Leo left little John Doe's ICU bedside when the nurses told him he had visitors.

Linda gave him a hug. "So you are riding to the rescue this time."

Fred held out some papers, "I just did a search and replace and BINGO Thomas Richards becomes Leonard Turnman."

Linda took the papers and turned to the back page, handed Leo the papers and a pen, "So sign already."

Leo signed.

Linda put the signed papers in her notebook, "I'll get these to the Judge. Please keep me informed about the boy. When do you expect him to regain consciousness?"

Leo sighed, "It could be any time or several days. He is so lucky his assailant was using 22-shorts and the head shots did not penetrate the skull, just followed around under the scalp. The shot to the gut actually did the most damage, he lost a kidney and a short bit of small intestine. Two of the chest bullets glanced off ribs and did no serious damage and one entered the upper left chest came very close to the Brachial Plexus and may have caused nerve loss to his left arm. Time will tell on that. Then there is the road abrasions. We have cleaned all the gravel and dirt and bandaged him. He looks rather like a mummy at present."

"We'll take good care of him. If this happened due to family abuse then he is safe in your custody," Fred said.

"Before you go, Linda, he has been badly abused. He is extremely malnourished and there are signs of physical and sexual abuse. This kid has been living in Hell for quite some time." Leo informed Linda.

Linda hugged the Doctor again, "Don't worry Leo, we'll all work to get him to Haven."

A nurse came to the door of the conference room they were in, "Excuse me Doctor, but the boy seems to be waking up."

"Thank you Betty. Well I'm on. I'll catch up to you all later."

Leo hurried back to ICU and put on a clean gown and mask. As he approached his patient, he saw the boy's eyes were open. "Hello there. I'm Dr. Leo. You have had a bad time but you are safe now and I'm here to see you get better. Thirsty?" Leo held a straw to the boys lips and he took a sip. "Good boy. Can you tell us your name?"

"Bart," the boy whispered.

"Hi Bart," Leo said, reaching out and shaking the boy's bandaged right hand. "I know you are hurting a lot and now that you woke up we can increase the pain medication. It will probably make you sleep some more and that is good." Leo injected the dose of meperidine into the IV.

The boy tried to say something but Leo couldn't understand. Then the boy was asleep. He was going to be out for several hours. Leo went and lay down on the couch in the ICU Staff Lounge and caught a few hours sleep himself.

* * * County Sheriff's Office * * *

Sheriff Henry paced back and forth in the sheriff's office. "Jenkins, how many license plates can there be starting with B and ending with 69?"

With seven characters on a plate and 36 possibilities for each one there would be 1,679,616. We are doing a search for a red, Ford pickup in this county or the surrounding counties. So far the DMV has not responded."

"The DMV!!! Shit! They won't get around to it until sometime next week. Why aren't we doing the search?"

"Sir, it's Homeland Security. The DMV data bank is closed."

Eric stomped into his office slamming the door. After several calls which all ended with roadblocks by Homeland Security, Eric was furious. He opened the door, "Jenkins!!"

"Yes. Sir."

"Do we have the parking and speeding tickets on our computer?"

"Yes Sir! Hey... Yeah! I'm on it sir."

Eric went back into his office and closed the door.

* * * Judge Kelper's chambers * * *

"Your honor, I have a child who has been abused and a petition for custody for his safety and care."

"Oh come on, Sis. Give me a who and what." Judge Kelper took the papers Leo had signed and thumbed through them. "Leo?"

"Yeah ain't that a hoot? I don't have all the gory details but this little boy has been assaulted with intent to kill, physically abused and sexually abused. He needs a safe haven and special care. I can't possibly come up with a better placement."

"I love this job when things are this simple." Judge Kelper signed the papers. "He's Leo's now. Does Leo realize the full scope of Fred's standard form?"

Linda grinned, "No I'm sure he doesn't yet. But I'm also sure he will follow through. He had 'that look' in his eyes."

"Okay, I sure hope Eric can catch this slime ball."

"I'm sure he will. He doesn't give up. If this creep is in the county he will get him."

* * * Later that evening at Haven Manor * * *

When Leo finally got home at 11:00 PM, he was exhausted and everyone else was already in bed. Tom sat up when he entered the bedroom. "Welcome home stranger. You've had a long day."

"Oh man, I can hardly believe that case. Only by the grace of god is the boy even alive. He had been starved nearly to death, tortured and abused then the asshole emptied his gun into the boy. The only thing saving the kid was the Ammo the fuck-head was using. It was a 22 and he was using the shorts and they have a smaller load and lacked the penetrating power. We recovered two of the slugs, one was pretty mashed but the other was nearly perfect. If they find the gun it won't be hard to match." Leo was crying by the time he finished.

"I'm glad he had you for his Doctor. Linda called and said the judge signed the papers and you now have custody. I hope you know we are all very glad to have him come live here. All the boys want to go visit him and Neal is going to ask to go with you tomorrow."

"Why? What does he think he can do?"

"He said the kid needs another kid there with him to make him more comfortable. So he feels like there is somebody there that understands from a kid's point of view. If this kid has been abused as bad as you think, he may be terrified of adults... Well it made sense when Neal explained it, somehow..."

"Actually it does make sense. You know, that kid is scary sometimes. He will come through with insight that just blows me away. He is one very special kid. Sometimes I think he runs things around here instead of us."

Tom laughed, "Oh he does. Since it's going to end up his anyway I'm happy."

"His? What about the others?"

"Oh, don't worry they all will have a wonderful life but Neal and 'Philip' are going places together. It's just something I know deep inside." Tom smiled, "He is really special and there is something about him... I can't really describe it. For a while I was thinking that maybe he was THE one but then we met and I knew you were that one but I definitely have a special place in my heart for that one. Maybe because he was the first... " Tom stopped because Leo had begun snoring. He soon joined is partner.

At breakfast the next morning, Neal appeared with his book-bag packed full. "Okay, Daddy Doc, I got everything I need for today, my books and game-boy and of course my laptop."

Leo gave Neal a blank look. Tom tried not to laugh.

"Daaaaaddd! You were supposed to tell him."

"I did. I guess he fell asleep."

"Daaaad! Jeeeeezzzzzzz! I need to go with you so the boy has somebody to trust. You needs me there."

"I needs you? Why wouldn't he trust me, his doctor?"

"Jeez, 'cause you're a grown up. He don't trust old guys."

"OLD?" Tom and Leo echoed each other.

"Ah, I mean grown-ups. He's real scared too. I can help, really." Neal whining is a sight.

Leo finally gave in, "Actually Neal, I wasn't asleep when Dad told me and I have given it some serious thought. I would like for you to come today."

"But he is going to need a kid there when... he... What?"

Tom burst out laughing. Leo pulled Neal into a hug, "I said you could come."


* * * Regional Hospital * * *

Leo left Neal in the ICU waiting room while he went and checked on his patient. Vitals were good. Suddenly the heart rate went up and Leo looked and the boy was awake and looking at him. "Good morning Bart."

No reaction.

"I brought you a visitor but first I think you are ready for a regular room, where we can get you some food. Does that sound good?"

Distrust just about radiated from the boy.

Leo went to the nurse's station to see about a private room. There were none available at the moment. Leo had them put the boy on the list and told them to let him know when one was available. Then he went to get Neal.

"Neal, you were absolutely right about Bart. He is just short of terrified. Let's get you suited up and go meet the boy."

Soon Neal looked like a short version of Daddy Doc.

When they entered the cubicle where Bart was, Neal looked at all the machines. "Kewl, hey Daddy Doc is all this stuff hooked up? What's this one do. How come this one beeps all the time? Hey this one's like what you see on TV." Neal walked around looking at all the monitors. When he had finished he approached the bed. "Hi, I'm Neal. I came to hangout with you today. I figured you would like having a big brother around to help you with stuff. I'll make sure they treat you right."

Leo pointed at the glass of ice water with a straw.

"Hey are you thirsty? Here this is something to drink." Neal held the glass so the boy could take a drink. "Have you tried moving around? Can you lift your arms?"

The boy raised his arms. Leo withdrew and let Neal do his assessment of the boy. He took a trip down to the cafeteria and got the boy some frozen chocolate yogurt in a bowl, not a cone, and then stopped and did a second bowl for Neal. When he returned Bart and Neal were having a very quiet conversation. Leo was sure to make his presence known as he approached the bed. He sat the two bowls on the stand and wheeled it in front of Bart. He slid one bowl and spoon to Neal and left the other in front of Bart. Then he stepped back away.

Neal took a spoonful and popped it in his mouth. "Mmmm, not bad. Wait 'til we get you home. Mrs. Johnson, she's our cook, she makes a killer banana split. And we got this guy who spends all day making these fancy desserts and they are soooooo good. And you can eat all you want and everything is good, well except for some of the weird vegetables."

Bart took a spoon full of the frozen treat. His eyes opened wide and he took another spoon full then another.

Neal gently stopped his hand, "Slow down dude, if you eat it too fast you'll get a brain freeze."

Bart looked at Neal then dug back into his yogurt but a bit slower this time. Leo signaled for a nurse.

They stepped up to the bed and the nurse was carrying a tray with fresh bandages. "Okay Bart, we need to change those bandages."

Suddenly there was a look of panic in the boy's eyes.

Neal glared at Daddy Doc. "Jeez, I told you he was scared." Then he turned back to Bart, "I'll stay right here and make sure they don't do nothin' they shouldn't. Daddy Doc is okay, he's a good guy, the only hurt he ever does is a shot. I promise."

Bart didn't say anything; he held Neal's hand and squeezed as the nurse helped remove the wrappings from Bart's left leg. Leo smiled grimly, what had looked like ground beef yesterday was now scabbed over. Janet had said that if he was careful and didn't pick at the scabs or get an infection things should heal and the scaring would be minimal She said it was too bad he wasn't a blond because he would probably have less hair on that leg. When he was thrown out of the car he evidently bounced and landed on that leg mostly so the rest of the scrapes weren't as bad as they could have been if the driver was going faster or if the kid weighed more. That was the silver lining to the kid being starved.

Leo looked to Bart and Neal, "I would like to leave the bandage off this leg, but he can't move it around a lot and he can't pick at the scabs."

Bart nodded and Neal said, "Okay, Daddy Doc. I'll watch him close."

"Okay, will you two be okay if I go on rounds? I'll be back in about an hour."

Neal gave him the thumbs up, and got his laptop out of his back pack. Bart nearly freaked when 'Philip's' curmudgeon image appeared on the screen. Neal hugged Bart, it's okay that's just my friend 'Philip'. Make yourself ten." Neal commanded the computer and the image changed to his boyish image. "See he's kewl."

'Hi there. I'm 'Philip', I am a computer and can do many things with you. Do you have a favorite game?'

Neal started giggling, "Bart, did you hear that? He said he was a computer! 'Philip', that's funny."

Bart was looking at his new friend like he thought he was crazy. Well he did think he was crazy.

'Harrumph! That child isn't right, he just isn't right.'

"Um, I think I'm missing something." Bart looked back and forth between Neal and the computer.

'Neal, finds that my simple introduction falls short of my usual. For some bizarre reason known only to him that was funny.'

This sent Neal back into a giggle fit and he was bent over double.

"Okay, so what is your usual introduction?"

'I am 'Philip' an Artificial Intelligence based on the Watkin's Enterprises' 'James' technology. I was given the memories and improved personality of Philip Richards the previous owner of Haven Enterprises before his death a year ago. I exist in the Haven Enterprises Main Frame computer and have access to most networks in the western hemisphere.'

"Right, I think I'm going to sleep again. Maybe this is just a dream." Bart closed his eyes and drifted off.

When Daddy doc came back Bart was still sleeping. "I can't believe this. There was a bus accident out on the interstate and there isn't an empty bed in the hospital."

Neal thought for a moment. "So, why don't we take Bart home?"

Daddy Doc looked at Neal like he had two heads.


"I don't know how you do that. Out of the blue you hit the right answer. You know sometimes you're scary."

Neal grinned, then reached out and gently shook Bart. Come on guy wake up. We're takin' you home."

Neal and Daddy Doc were not prepared for the scream, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

"Whoa, buddy. You know about my home? Daddy Doc you tell him about all my brothers?" Neal really laid it on thick.

Leo went along, "I thought he was unconscious! He's as sneaky as you!"

A meek voice interrupted, "What?"

"Dude, you got a big yell. We were going to take you home, to our home."

"Really? I don't got to go back to my place?"

"Is that where you got hurt?" Daddy Doc asked gently.

"Uh huh, I'm scared to go back. I don't want to get shotted again."

Neal hugged Bart. "Don't you worry about that. My Dads won't let that happen. Uncle Fred will help too and Aunt Linda, and of course all of your new brothers."

Leo left to get the paperwork done and soon the nurse that had been in earlier came back. She was carrying some clothes, "I had some things in my car that I had picked up for my grandson. I think they will fit. I'm sure you want something on besides that hospital gown."

"Yeah, dude your bare butt shows in those things." Neal added helpfully, NOT.

The nurse opened a package of briefs and handed one to Neal and took out a blue and white polo shirt and some red baggy gym shorts that she left on the end of the bed and left so Neal could help Bart. It took some doing but they managed. Luckily the clothes were a couple of sizes to big so they did fairly well over the bandages.

Dr. Turnman returned with a young orderly, as young as he could find. The orderly and Neal managed to get Bart into the chair and they were off to the van. Neal sat next to Bart on the very back seat and Leo drove back to Haven very carefully. At the gate Leo rolled down the window and said, "'Philip', Have one of the older boys, Todd or Monty get the Gurney from the clinic and meet us by the kitchen entrance."

The light turned green and the gate swung open. When the Van stopped, Monty and Todd wheeled out the Gurney. Neal unbuckled Bart who was trying not to show his pain. The boys got him on the Gurney and wheeled him back inside and headed for the clinic.

"Take him down to the room Mitch, Travis and Lou used. I'll get him some pain meds and be right there."

Neal reversed the process and helped Bart out of the shirt and shorts but left his briefs on. When Leo arrived, Neal said in a very business like manor, "He is bleeding, his lower back and left shoulder in the back."

"Bart, I have a pain pill here for you. I am going to have to look at those wounds and see if any stitches have torn. Will you let me?"

"Can Neal stay?"

"Of course he can." Leo gave the pill to Neal and a glass of water with a straw. "I'll go get a few things and be right back."

By the time Leo returned Bart was feeling much better. He had a grin from ear to ear. He had Bart lay on his stomach and carefully pealed back the bandage on Bart's lower back. The wound had already stopped bleeding and a new bandage was applied. The left shoulder was a mess, several stitches were torn. Leo sprayed some anesthetic then quickly replaced the stitches and then rebandaged the shoulder. This time he also immobilized the arm to help prevent another tear.

Bart looked around the room. It was huge to him and in fact was about the size of the place he had been living. The Queen size bed dwarfed him and then the furniture that had been used by the Harris boys. "Is this your room Neal?"

"Nah, my room is upstairs in the suite with my brothers. I'll bring them by to meet you later. I got to warn you there are a whole bunch of them."

"A bunch?"

"Well six brothers, Pat, with, Pat without, Todd and Genny."

"Huh? Pat with and without? What?"

Dr. Turnman snorted and made his exit. The boys could hear his laughter fading as he went down the hall.

"Grown ups are weird."

"Yeah, and scary."

"Listen Bart, you are safe now. Nobody here will hurt you. All of us have been through a lot of stuff and we will understand when you want to talk about it."

The drugs had done their job and Bart was sleeping with the goofy grin still on his face. Neal tucked him in and set up his laptop at one of the desks and worked on some of his lessons that he had missed today.

At about two o'clock Brian and Jimmy come down carrying a couple of trays. One was Neal's lunch and the other was for Bart. Neal woke Bart and he was still a bit goofy but his face lit up at the smell of food. He had some soup, Jello and a milkshake. Neal had a sandwich, chips and a milkshake as well.

When the food was gone Neal introduced his brothers, "Bart, This is Brian, he saved my life and helped me escape from Juvy. This other guy is Jimmy, I found him at a rest stop and Dad let me bring him home."

"What the Duffus is trying to say is he saved us. So when you're feeling better we'll all get together and pick on Neal."


"Why do you want to pick on Neal?"

"'Cause we can."

At that a shadow filled the doorway and Bart repeated the scream like he had in the hospital, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

Author's Notes:

Ah, it's so good to have Haven back. Poor little Bart, he sure has a lot to deal with. I hope Sheriff Henry can track down the the person who did this. I want to thank Gary Q and his story 'Patient John Doe' found on garysgarden.us/ for helping me solve a serious problem I was having getting this story to move in the direction I wanted. Neal kept weaseling out of the situation but I've got him now.

So who or what made Bart scream this time? Even my editing staff doesn't know. I do enjoy the occasional Evil ending. (The end of a chapter is an occasion.)

"Sometimes bad stuff has to happen so good stuff can." is copyrighted by ACFan in the story Memories found on cornercafe.us and is used with permission. Thank you AC.


Editor's Notes:

Oh you Evil Author, you! Now who in the world could cause a small child to be so frightened? Should I point out that I know who it is? I was at a party with some evil authors and Str8mayb told me. So if you want to find out what is coming up next, you will just have to attend the next gathering.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher

Associate Editor's Notes:

Well, our Evil Author starts another adventure in his usual quiet and subtle manner. What on earth is happening here? And is Doc Leo infected with AAKD? Looks as if he's been around Tom too long! It was only a matter of time! But I can't think of anyone who would be a better Dad for a scared and abused little guy.

And, by the way, Mr. Evil Author, not just your editing staff, but the whole world , knows that people "with" can be really scary at times. So, there!

Aloysius Abercrombie, Associate Author and gopher. Does anyone want a cup of tea, while I'm up? {Not coffee? I'm shocked!}

Fort Chief Editor's Notes:

Hmm Bart must have seen either Str8mayb or The Radio Rancher at EATME 3. This chapter has been delayed a bit as I have been experiencing some back problems which have left me unable to type. As has been said before it is very nice to have Haven back and especially since it has its own home at both the Padded Room and The Story Lover's Home.

Well I need to go edit a chapter of "Love at First Bite" by Crackerwriter before I can edit Chapter One of Book Two of "Fire".

Til then,